Neurology Rotation
Welcome to the adult neurology rotation! The purpose of this rotation is to familiarize you with the assessment and treatment of neurological disorders. During this rotation we ask you to perform H & Ps, including comprehensive neurological examinations on patients. Half of your rotation will be spent in the outpatient and the other half in the inpatient setting to maximize your experience. You will also be asked to attend weekly neurology conferences. During the last week of your rotation you will be required to give a presentation. Neurology is a challenging and exciting field and has overlaps with many other fields of medicine. Therefore, it is an important component of your medical training. We hope you enjoy this rotation! -- Dr. Andy Becker, Neurology Clerkship Director
Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)
The Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) is an American Academy of Neurology (AAN)-sponsored, student-organized program to enhance and expand medical student exposure and experience in Neurology.
SIGN Board
- Co-president, charing [at] (Cate Haring)
- Co-president, lcschwartz1 [at] (Lauren Schwartz)
- Secretary, akanok [at] (Kemi Akonok)
- MS III Liaison, jpalanci [at] (Justin Palanci)
- Faculty Liaison,aellenstein [at] ( Aviva Ellenstein, M.D. Ph.D.)
AAN for Medical Students
Current AWARD/SCHOLARSHIP Opportunities
- Coming soon.