
While teaching on rounds is an important part of a resident's education, in-person didactics hold equal value.  With our newly restructured teaching series, we are providing our residents with the opportunities to learn from and interact with our core faculty and fellows through a wide variety of conferences, lectures, and seminars covering a range of topics in both basic and clinical neuroscience.  In order to emphasize the importance of learning, all resident didactic times are protected whereas our residents do not have inpatient responsibilities and have cross-cover coverage.   Below you can find a sample week of resident didactics:


12:00 - 1:00 PM  -  Subspecialty-based Attending Lectures


8:00 - 9:00 AM - Department Grand Rounds

12:00 - 1:00 PM - Neurophysiology Case Conference


12:00 - 1:00 PM  -  Resident Case Conference


12:00 - 1:00 PM  -  Subspecialty-based Attending Lectures


12:00 - 1:00PM - Resident Meeting (monthly)

  • Board Review Series (monthly)
  • Journal Club (monthly)
  • Practice Managment Series (monthly)
  • Moribity, Mortality, and Improvment Conference (quarterly)

Subspecialty-based Attending Lectures

  • Focused subject blocks (ie Epilepsy, Stroke) given my content specialist faculty
  • Interspersed neuroanatomy lectures 

Neurophyiology Case Conference

  • Alternating practical and interactive lectures rotating between EEG and EMG

Resident Case Conference

  • Two residents present a case from the inpatient services in an interactive case discussion

Resident Meeting

  • Monthly meeting with the PD as an open forum for discussion of topics/issues concerning for the residents

Journal Club

  • Rotating, subspecialty journal club run by the residents with attending guidance

Board Review Series

  • Resident driven, question-based teaching preparing residents for the RITE and Neurology Board examination

Practice Management Series

  • Practical series highlighting topics such as banking, financial planning, how to give a deposition, and more