Comprehensive Stroke Center


The George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates in collaboration with the George Washington University Hospital is proud to be a designated Comprehensive Stroke Center offering 24-hour acute stroke services treating ischemic strokes, hemorrhagic strokes, and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Coverage for acute endovascular treatments, neurosurgical procedures, and thrombolytics is provided around the clock. Stroke care is provided via a team based approach including vascular neurologists, neurointerventionalists, neurosurgeons, intensivists, neuroradiologists, and physiatrists. GW hospital houses an acute rehabilitation unit allowing stroke victims to receive all of their care in one location. 

Clinical Care

Acute stroke care is provided on the emergency and inpatient wards at the George Washington University Hospital located at 900 23rd St NW. More information about our inpatient services can be found at the George Washington University Hospital website

The outpatient stroke clinics are located at 2150 Pennsylvania Avenue 7th Floor NW.  A wide breadth of neurovascular disorders are managed in the clinic including: ischemic stroke prevention, hemorrhagic stroke prevention, cerebral aneurysms, moya-moya syndrome, ateriovenous malformations, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, cerebral vasculitis, carotid stenosis, small-vessel disorders, posterior reversible encephalopathic syndrome, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. Additionally, our transitions of care clinic offers quick follow-up for our patients after hospitalization for an acute stroke. To schedule an appointment please call 202-741-2700.


In collaboration with the Virginia Hospital Center we offer a one-year vascular neurology fellowship program. Additional information can be found on our fellowship website.


We are a part of the NINDS StrokeNet. We are currently participating, or anticipate participating, in the following clinical trials:

Sleep SMART- Sleep for Stroke Management and Recovery Trial

INVEST- Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgery With Apollo in Patients With Brain Hemorrhage

MIND- Artemis in the Removal of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

ASPIRE- Anticoagulation for Stroke Prevention and Recovery After ICH