Our CRU consists of clinical investigators, all with specialty board certified and faculty appointments at The George Washington University, a clinical nurse manager, nurse practitioner, research coordinators and research assistants.
As a group we have combined experience in Phase II, III, and IV clinical trials.
We offer operational services that include, on site Contracts and Grants management, utilization of both central and local IRBs, administrative services, and support services including laboratory, radiology, and pharmacy. We also offer study design and implementation, and project coordination resources for our investigators.
With access to a network of 800 providers and a specialized patient database, we have the ability to recruit for disease specific studies.
To learn more about our investigators click here.
If you are interested in conducting research with the Department of Neurology-CRU please contact:
Radwa Aly at neurostudies [at] mfa.gwu.edu (neurostudies[at]mfa[dot]gwu[dot]edu) or by phone at (202) 677-6209.